Wildlife Surveys

When managing for wildlife and habitat, knowing the population parameters of the species of interest is an extremely helpful tool, if not an absolute necessity. White Tines LLC offers several wildlife survey options in order to help landowners have a better idea of what their property has to offer and what they can do to enhance the quality, abundance, and diversity of a particular, or all, wildife species.

Below is a list of our available services, all of which are performed by one of our wildlife specialists and include detailed data reports and summaries, both digital and hard copies, of the survey. If you don't find what you are looking for, don't hesitate to contact us. Chances are we can still help you reach your goal.

Aerial Surveys
Aerial surveys are a great way to collect large quantities of data for multiple species animals. They are most popular for monitering white-tailed deer populations in areas of dense brush or large amounts of acreage, typically 1000 acres or more. Aerial surveys are performed at a daily rate of $750.00 plus an hourly helicopter rate (averaging $350/hr for R22 and $650/ hr for R44). If a landowner already has a pilot in mind, we are more than happy to fly with them.

Spotlight Surveys
The spotlight survey method is typically used to determine the density of a white-tailed deer herd on a smaller acreage (1000 acres or less), or specific areas of a larger property, and works best on properties with increased visibilty from roads. A landowner should determine if their property will allow them to benefit from a spotlight survey, based on the distances that can be seen from any given road. This method offers the benefit of decreased habitat disturbance and stress on wildlife and can allows a landowner to determine the different levels of population concentrations throughout a property. $700.00/ night.

Trail Camera Surveys
The use of trail cameras can provide incredible insight as to what types of wildlife are present on their property, small and large acreage alike. This method is great for observing smaller wildlife species, predator counts, and can provide detailed guidelines for a white-tailed deer harvest plan. All camera surveys include a color photo album of the best select photos as well as a digital copy of all photos taken. Cameras are set out for 5 day intervals at locations desired by the landowner or areas determined by our wildlife specialists. Trail camera surveys are offered at a rate of $1500.00.

Quail Call/ Roadside Count
Best utilized in late spring and mid autum, quail call counts are a great way to determine covey densities within a given area. Generally, spring call counts provide insight to the number of breeding pairs that are located along the transect, though this may not necessarily mean a landowner will have as many clutch hatches as there are breeding pairs. Autum counts provide more accurate data in reference to actual covey numbers, clutch hatches, and brood rearing success. Offered at $575.00/ day

Stem Count Index
A stem count index, or SCI, is one of the most common techniques utilized to determine, population impacts on wildife habitat, preferred browse plants, and different levels of population concentrations within a landowners property. This technique is performed by meticulously observing and recording actual "bites" from differen wildlife species, typically white-tailed deer. If a customer has concerns about having to high or to low of a population density, this is the best method to answer your questions. $1250.00/ SCI

Habitat and Vegetation Sampling
Habitat and vegetation sampling is the best way to determine the wildlife carrying capacity for a property. Using a variety of methods, including daubenmire squares, distance sampling, and diversity observations, we can provide landowners with the best possible wildlife population parameters to maximize the potential for their species of interest.

Habitat and vegetation sampling surveys are offered at $1250.00.
Ask us about our soil and water sampling!!